Circle of Brothers established in the Real Far North of Aotearoa in 2013. It came together by COBs who attended kura together. We understood and accepted each other's differences within our Circle, which continues to tautoko and guide the COBs still to this day.
We are now stepping out of the shadows and invite all brothers and sisters to join us on our journey to help encourage and become positive role models for future COBS (generations).
C.O.B = Circle of brothers
COB = Friend/Sister/Brother
COBS = A group of friends/Sisters/Brothers
COB Commandments:
- COBS shall look out for one another.
- COBS shall respect others.
- COBS shall support all indigenous cultures like their own.
- COBS shall not be afraid to be unique.
- COBS shall not pass judgement on others.
- COBS shall always take a step back before reacting.
- COBs shall gather what they need not what they want.
- COBS will keep their heads high through thick and thin.